Formation stages of Eti Gübre step by step from past to present.
"Mazıdağı Big Project" was included in the investment program by DPT, and Nitrogen Industry (TÜGŞAŞ) was given the task of establishing the Mazıdağı Fertilizer Factory, which was included in the investment program. Although the relevant public institution TÜGSAŞ was assigned to establish a fertilizer plant in Mazıdağı together with Etibank, this institution gave up this initiative due to the lack of raw materials such as pyrite and natural gas as a sulfur source and other reasons. Investments made by Etibank after the transfer of all phosphate deposits to Etibank were carried out in two stages, namely the "Karataş Project" and the "Southeastern Anatolia Phosphates Big Project".
Most of the social facilities, consisting of 100 lodgings and guesthouses, have been completed.
After the technological studies for the process carried out in 1976; an internationally qualified, turnkey and process guaranteed tender, which includes the technological studies, was made in 1980 and ENTES – FCB (French) Consortium won the tender. The Mazıdağı Concentrator, which was designed to be built as 2 lines as a result of technological studies, was completed in 1987 as a single line due to abandonment of the investment by Nitrogen Industry.
Etibank suffered a great loss as a result of addition of financial burden of investments, interests and similar expenses to production costs. Due to all of these reasons, concentrated production has been discontinued since 1994.
Eti Bakır Phospate Plant has been taken over by Cengiz Holding and studies have been started quickly to start production.
The construction has been completed and operations have been started.
Products, mainly DAP, and by-products were sold for the first time.